Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Yellow Rose of Texas: Teasing the truth from a legend

  One of the most popular Texas legends is about the Yellow Rose of Texas, a young woman who helped win the Battle of San Jacinto and then had a catchy song written about her.  Fortunately, some of the legend is true.  And some was invented in the 1960s by Texas folklore journalists.  Click here to learn all about Emily West, and about that catchy tune we still enjoy!

The Yellow Rose of Texas: Teasing Truth from a Legend 


  1. Hello! This is a fascinating article. I work for a small historic site between Houston and Austin and am looking for speakers for a monthly 45-minute zoom talk I host. If you are interested then please e-mail me at

  2. Good evening! Yes, great article! and what a coincidence with Tricia above, I came here originally to seek Jim out for a speaking gig in Houston about the Champs D'Asile. The association of French Veterans of Texas is planning their meeting sometime in may, and the association's President and secretary love the idea of you speaking as the main guest. You can contact me directly at and i will make the connection. Thank you for contacting me!
